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 Elkridge United Travel Soccer Referees

EYO Soccer Referees

EYO Soccer uses United States Soccer Federation (USSF) certified referees for all games. All referees must get recertified each year. Anyone interested in refereeing games for EYO will need to complete all of the steps in the document below titled "Getting Setup as a NEW Official".  If you have any problems or questions, please email [email protected] or see the contact info on the right side of this page. 

You only need to register once and it will be active for all future seasons.  Login here to register or update your information.  

Important Documents

Title Link to Open
Seasonal Activites for Officials
Click Here to View Document...
To be used at the start of each season by ALL returning officials to ensure all required steps are completed.
Getting Setup as a NEW Official
Click Here to View Document...
Provides detailed information on how to become an official with EYO for the first time.
Setting up ArbiterSports & ArbiterPay
Click Here to View Document...
Provides detailed steps for setting up ArbiterSports and ArbiterPay. 


The assignment process for spring will begin in mid-March and fall will begin in mid-August.  Referees must register in the EYO System (once a lifetime).  After that, you will be added to a separate system, called Arbiter Sports, which we use to manage the assignments.  If you are registered to referee for EYO and you have not received a notice from Arbiter, please contact me immediately at [email protected] or 410-493-4695. 

You must read and complete the documents listed above including: 

Getting Setup as a NEW Official
Provides detailed information on how to become an official with EYO for the first time.
Seasonal Activites for Officials
To be used at the start of each season by ALL returning officials to ensure all required steps are completed.
Setting up ArbiterSports & ArbiterPay
Provides detailed steps for setting up ArbiterSports and ArbiterPay.  

All assignments are made in the Arbiter Sports online system.  Log into your Arbiter account at to view & accept/decline assignments.  You can also view the Master Schedule to see who is officiating a game with you.  If you have any problems getting into the Arbiter Sports system, please contact the referee coordinator using the contact info on the right side of this page.


 Title Modified Date
Form W-9 - Request for Taxpayer Id NumberDownload9/4/2012

Uniform & Equipment

You can purchase your uniform and equipment online from a variety of sources.  You can buy each piece separately or there are several websites that sell it as a kit which has everything you need, except for a watch.  Choose a watch that has a countdown feature so that it will alert you when the half is over.  You can wear any black shorts you might already own.  For the whistle, I prefer a wrist lanyard.  The minimum needed to start in U8/U9 is a referee shirt (usually yellow), referee socks, black shorts, a whistle, a coin (a quarter will work), pen/paper, and a watch.  As you progress, you will need the rest of the equipment (flags and cards).

Flags: Roto-flags are nice
Jersey: Start with yellow (note: I have found that the new Pro style runs bigger in size than the new Economy style - I have both a new Pro jersey (women's small) and a new Economy jersey (women's medium) and both of them are nice.  The Pro is just a little better.)  If you have an older style jersey, that is still fine to use.

Whistle: Start with a wrist lanyard
Watch: make sure it has a count-down timer.  Most kits do not have a watch so you need to buy it separately.

11 Piece USSF Starter Kit (~$60 or $65)
Economy USSF Short Sleeve Shirt, Economy Shorts, Socks, Red/Yellow Card Set, Data Wallet, Scorepad, Velcro Disk, Whistle, Wrist Lanyard, choice of Basic Flag Set or Roto Flag Set (Roto is a better flag), choice of either the Essential Sac Pak or Official Roll Bag.

Women's 11 Piece USSF Starter Kit (~$60 or $65)
Same items as men's kit above.

Referee Play On Pro 10 Piece Kit (~$80)
Contains: Pro Referee Jersey, Shorts, Socks, Sports Bag, Pro Line Duo Rotating Referee Flags, Accessory Zippered Case, Referee Data Wallet Set, Pearl FOX 40 Whistle, Wrist Lanyard, Game Coin


Watch - Purchase Separately - Make sure has COUNT DOWN timer. (~$20 - $30)


Here are some places to check for referee kits.  Most do not include a watch, so you will need to get that separately.  Be sure to consider shipping cost and time to deliver when buying.


Season Info

Spring: U12, U13/U14, U16, and U18/U19 will be played on Saturdays. U8, U9, and U10/U11 will be played on Sundays. U10/U11 and U12 will use the 2-ref (Dual Ref) system.

Fall: U8, U9, and U10/U11 will be played on Saturdays.  U12, U13/U14, U16, and U18/U19 will be played on Sundays.  U10/U11 and U12 will use the 2-ref (Dual Ref) system. 

About 4 - 6 weeks before the start of the season, we will send out an email to all referees to ask you to update Arbiter with any "blocked" out dates when you can not referee.  Please be sure that you have (or previously have) registered to Referee for EYO through the link on the top of this page. 

Policy Review
Each season, referees are required to review the policies for each league before the season begins. 

Referee Contact Information - Email Address, Phone Number, Mailing Address
All contact information is pulled from the registration data in this system.  Please make sure it is updated at the start of each season.

All Referees Must Submit IRS W-9 To Receive Payment
As you are aware; all referees are independent contractors with the Elkridge Youth Organization. In order to properly comply with Internal Revenue Service regulations and to provide a proper process to keep EYO records accurate for its independent contractors, we are providing you with the following required procedure for providing us with name, Social Security Number and address information.  The W9 form is located on the left side under Policies.  Please complete it and fax it to EYO Finance at 443-524-9271.  You only need to do this one time, not annually.  If your information changes, you need to submit an updated form.  If you earn $600 or more in a calendar year, you will be issued a IRS 1099 form in January.

Assignments and Substitutions
The initial season assignments will be sent to all referees.  Changes in assignments will be emailed as needed.   As the need for substitutions arises, an email will be sent to the referees listing the open positions.  Each referee can respond "Yes" if you want to referee the position or "Yes if needed" if you are willing to referee the game if no one else is available but you prefer that I find someone else.  The positions will be filled based on a number of factors including, but not limited to, years of refereeing with EYO, age recommendations of USSF, years of experience, ability to referee the league level, adjoining assignments (two in a row), number of games already assigned (load leveling), and any other magic tricks I have up my sleeve. 

Any requests for substitutions or issues with the assignments should be directed to the referee coordinator at the email or phone number on the right side of this page. 

*** Adult Referees Needed ***  Get Certified and Join us *** 

It is a great way to stay engaged in the sport with your kids and make some extra money.  

The season is quickly approaching and we are getting our referee team ready.  In looking at the roster of referees, we have noticed that we are very short on the number of refs that meet the age recommendations by USSF for referring our older leagues.  

We are sending this email hoping to solicit some interest in becoming a referee for the older leagues.  USSF recommends that a ref be at least three years older than the age for the CR position (Center/Head Referee) and one year older if for the AR (Assistant/Line Referee) position.  

 - U18/U19 league, we are in need of CRs age 22 and above, and AR at 20 and up 
 - U16 league, we are in need of CRs age 19 and above, and AR at 17 and up 
 - U13/U14 league, we are in need of CRs age 16 and above, and AR at 14 and up 

For new referees, here is the website for more certification information:

Without more adult referees, we are at a high risk of not having referees available for the games.  Across the older leagues, we will need to assign roughly 150 adult referee positions in U16/U19 and another 100 positions for the U13 league.  We do not have the referees to fill 250 positions.  In fact, this past fall there were times where we had one or even no referees (of age) available for games - we need three referees for each game.  New referees will initially referee the younger age level leagues for experience before being moved into the older leagues.  In the fall, U8, U9, and U11 are played on Saturdays, with U13, U16 and U19 played on Sundays.  In the spring, U13, U16 and U19 are played on Saturdays, with U8, U9, and U11 played on Sundays.  You do not have to work all of the game days, and have the choice of refereeing between 1 and 3 games per day. 

If you are uncomfortable refereeing a game where your child is playing, no worries, we can schedule around that. 

For any questions or information on the pay schedule, please reach out to the referee coordinator at the contact info on the right side of this page.


Referee Coordinator

Dan Yue
Cell 410-493-4695
[email protected]

Backup Referee Coordinator

Karen Druffel
Cell 410-917-6857
[email protected]

Field Status & Locations

For field closure information for practices and games please call 410-313-4455.

The message is updated after 4:00 PM during the week for practices and at 7:00 AM, 11:00 AM, and 4:00 PM on weekends.

*If your team uses a Howard County School field for practices such as Bonnie Branch MS, Mayfield Woods MS, Ellicott Mills MS, Ilchester ES, or Elkridge ES then call 410-313-6827. This does not apply to Rockburn ES which is a Rockburn Park field or Howard HS and Long Reach HS turf fields as they are managed by Howard County Rec & Parks. 

Click here to view field names and maps.

Soccer Docs & Policies

 TitleOwnerModified Date
Dual Referee SystemBill Sanders10/14/2019
League Rule ChangesBill Sanders10/14/2019
Soccer Program PolicyGinny Zimmerman8/13/2012
USSF Best PracticeJohn Druffel8/29/2013
 TitleOwnerModified Date
U6 / U7 Coach's ManualGinny Zimmerman8/25/2012
U6 / U7 Field LayoutGinny Zimmerman9/14/2021
U6 / U7 Policy 2019Ginny Zimmerman9/6/2019
U6 Adventure Theme Practice PlanCarolyn Anthon9/14/2021
U7 Coach Manual and Practice PlansCarolyn Anthon9/14/2021
 TitleOwnerModified Date
U8 / U9 Coach's ManualGinny Zimmerman10/10/2013
U8 / U9 Policy 2021Ginny Zimmerman9/2/2021
U8 Coach Manual 2021Carolyn Anthon9/14/2021
U9 Coach Manual 2021Carolyn Anthon9/14/2021
 TitleOwnerModified Date
Offside Law (Law 11)Bill Sanders4/4/2016
U11 Coach Manual 2021Carolyn Anthon9/14/2021
U11 Coach's Manual - Under ConstructionGinny Zimmerman9/8/2015
U11 Policy 2021Ginny Zimmerman9/2/2021
 TitleOwnerModified Date
Offside Law (Law 11)Bill Sanders4/4/2016
U13 Coach Manual 2021Carolyn Anthon9/14/2021
U13 Policy 2021Bill Sanders9/2/2021
U15 Policy 2021Bill Sanders9/2/2021
 TitleOwnerModified Date
Offside Law (Law 11)Bill Sanders4/4/2016
U16 Policy *REVISED*Bill Sanders4/15/2016
 TitleOwnerModified Date
Offside Law (Law 11)Bill Sanders4/4/2016
U18/U19 Policy 2019Bill Sanders9/6/2019

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