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Elkridge Youth Org

Welcome to the EYO Basketball website.

Elkridge Youth Organization offers both recreational and travel basketball! 

EYO Basketball recreational program emphasizes skill development, exercise and fun!  Our program accommodates children ages 5-18.  Our games are held at local school gymnasiums.   

  • Programs are offered for coed, girls only and boys only.
  • Leagues range from Kindergarten through High School.  
  • The season begins in Mid-November and continues through February.

EYO offers Travel Basketball for 4th thru 8th grade boys. Contact info for coaches can be found at the bottom of the basketball page.

Recreational Basketball Leagues

Registration for the 2024-2025 recreational basketball season will begin on August 30th, 2024 and run through November 10th. Register by October 15th and receive a $15 early registration discount. Registration for High School age leagues (8/9 and HS) will remain open until November 30th. Practices and games will run from December through the end of February. Evaluations for leagues that need them, will be in mid-November.  Please contact Adam Mallonee at [email protected] with any questions or for more information.

Login here to register or update your information.  

EYO Basketball is a recreational program with an emphasis on skill development, exercise and fun!  Our program accommodates children ages 5-18.  Our games are typically held at local school gymnasiums.  Coach’s preference and court availability determine practice days and times. 

  • Programs are offered for coed, girls only and boys only.
  • Leagues range from Kindergarten through High School.  
  • The season begins in Mid-November and continues through February. 
  • We offer Travel Basketball for 4th thru 8th grade boys.  Please inquire about tryout dates.  Contact info for coaches can be found at the bottom of the basketball page.

Recreational Basketball Cost:

Game and practice days will be determined by gym space requested by permit though the County.  Each age group has a set practice night and set game nights which include Saturday for most age groups. See below to read more information on each specific league.

 Coed Basketball Leagues Cost** Girls Basketball Leagues* Cost** Boys Basketball Leagues Cost**
 Kindergarten / 1st Grade League
$140  clinic 7-9 $140  4th / 5th Grade League $170
 2nd / 3rd Grade League
$170  ages 10-14 $170  6th / 7th Grade League $170
      8th / 9th Grade League $170
        High School League  $170

* age as of Aug 31
   Boys 22U (College) League $115
     ** Cost listed is for Regular Registration.  

Recreational Leagues

EYO Basketball offers opportunities in the winter for players grades K though 12.   Learn more...


  EYO currently has full-time Travel Basketball teams for 4th thru 8th grade boys and a girls 5th grade team.  


EYO uses referees ranging from Adults to age 13.  Learn more...


Coed Basketball Leagues

Kindergarten / 1st Grade Clinic League - Coed

The Kindergarten/First Grade Clinic league will consist of 2 one hour clinics per week.  The first part of the clinic will focus on skill development followed by a scrimmage with another team.  The League will run from early December through February.  Practices/games are held Wednesday evenings and Saturday mornings.

2nd / 3rd Grade League - Coed

This coed league is an introduction to competitive Basketball via instructional team practices and 5 on 5 full court play games. A strong emphasis is placed on teaching and learning basic fundamental basketball skills (dribbling, passing, shooting, etc.),  basketball rules, teamwork, sportsmanship, and “having fun”.     

Player evaluations will be held following registration and prior to the start of the season and are utilized by the League Coordinator to form even/balanced teams at the onset of the season in the interest of fair play.  Therefore, requests for specific coaches, teams, teammates, etc. will be honored to the best of the league's ability, but cannot be guaranteed.   All players will receive considerable playing time during games (based on the league rules each child will play a minimum of 1/2 of each game). This league will keep scores during games and use referees.  The season will involve Round Robin play and a tournament at the end of the season (playoffs). The player evaluation date will be held in mid-November.  All registered participants are strongly recommended to attend.  Parents should make every effort to set the date aside.  

Teams will meet once per week to practice on Thursdays and one game per week on Saturdays, December thru February. However, practice day is subject to change based on permit approvals and gym space availability. The league culminates in a playoff tournament and all-star game at the end of February or early March.

Players will receive numbered moisture-wick jerseys. Our baskets are set at 8' and we use a youth-sized 27' basketball.

Girls Basketball Leagues

Age groups are 7-9 & 10-14.   

We offer an in-house instructional league for girls age 7-9.  The league is non-competitive (no standings are kept) and the coaches serve as referees for the games. Games occur on Saturday and there will be 1 practice per week.

For the 10-14 year old league, player evaluations and team formation will take place in November. Practices will start after teams are formed. Practice nights are subject to gym availabity but will likely occur on Monday nights. Games will begin in December. The games will be played on Saturdays. In addition, there will be end of season playoffs.  All games will be played in Howard County.  


Boys Basketball Leagues

4th  /5th Grade League - Boys

The objective of EYO Boys Fourth/Fifth Grade Basketball is to provide a positive environment for boys to learn the fundamentals of the game of basketball in both practices and games.  Games will be played on a regulation height basket. Scores and standings will be kept.  An end of season tournament and all-star game will be held.

Evaluations will be held in November. During the season teams will play games on Wednesdays and Saturdays and practice once per week on Mondays or Fridays.

6th / 7th Grade League - Boys

The objective of EYO Boys Sixth/Seventh Grade Basketball is to provide a positive environment for boys to learn the fundamentals of the game of basketball in both practices and games.  Games will be played on a regulation height basket. Scores and standings will be kept.  An end of season tournament and all-star game will be held.

Evaluations will be held in November. During the season teams will play games on Thursday and Saturdays and practice once per week on Mondays.

8th / 9th Grade League - Boys
Evaluations will be held in November. During the season teams will practice on Fridays and play a game on a Tuesday and Saturday.

High School League - Boys

The High School League will play one night per week and Saturdays later in the day.  There will also be one weeknight practice per week. 

Practices and games will run from December through February. The league is for 10th through 12th graders. 

Travel Basketball

Elkridge Elite will be having basketball tryouts for 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grade. You must email the coaches to confirm that you will be coming to tryouts. Please bring your own basketball and bottle water. 

4th Grade - Coach Ken Trader ([email protected]
5th Grade - Coaches Schimri Yoyo ([email protected]) and Abbas Zaidi ([email protected])
6th Grade – Coach Jared Brumfield ([email protected])

7th Grade – Coach Todd Garner ([email protected])

8th Grade – Coach Adam Bee ([email protected]

Court Status & Locations

The Inclement Weather Line for all Howard County Schools is 410-313-6827
EYO uses the following school gyms:
- Rockburn ES    - Ilchester ES
- Deep Run ES
- Bonnie Branch MS
- Elkridge Landing MS
- Bellows Spring ES
- Waterloo ES
- Elkridge ES
- Thomas Viaduct MS
- Ducketts Lane ES

Arbutus Game Locations

**For Some Girls League Games

Arbutus Community Recreation Center

855 Sulphur Spring Rd
Arbutus, MD 21227

Arbutus Middle School
5525 Shelbourne Road
Baltimore, MD 21227
Entrance to the gym is at the FAR left when facing the main entrance of the school.

Coach's Corner

All coaches must successfully complete a background check, virtual CPR training through Howard County Rec and Parks, and complete an ASEP coaching course.  Forms will be uploaded here in the next few days.


 TitleModified DateOwner
Concussion Policy and Clearance Form8/22/2018John Haberern


Financial Assistance

It is our goal to be sure any child that wants to play our sports gets that opportunity. EYO has several ways in which we try and assist our families: Registration Fee Discounts, Equipment Assistance, Multi-Player Discounts.  To learn more, visit the More Information>> Financial Assistance & Discounts page.
EYO Elite Travel Basketball Tryout Information: 

4th Grade Elkridge Elite Travel Basketball Tryouts:

Tryouts complete for the 2024/2025 season. 

Please email Head Coach Kenny Trader at [email protected] with any questions. 

5th Grade Elkridge Elite Travel Basketball Tryouts: 

Tryouts complete for the 2024/2025 season. 

For any questions, contact Coach Yoyo and Coach Zaidi at [email protected] and  [email protected]


Tryouts complete for the 2024/2025 season. 

Please email Coach Jared Brumfield  @  [email protected] with any questions 

7th Grade Elkridge Elite Travel Basketball Tryouts:

Tryouts complete for the 2024/2025 season. 

Head Coach Todd Garner can be reached at [email protected] for any quesitons

8th Grade EYO boys travel: 

Tryouts complete for the 2024/2025 season. 

Please contact head coach Adam Bee at [email protected] with any questions. 

Contact Us

Name Role  Email 
Rec Basketball:   
Adam MalloneeBasketball Commissioner[email protected]
Kristopher Marrion Girls ages 7-9 League Coordinator [email protected]
 OpenGirls ages 10-14 League Coordinator 
Jen ThomasCo-ed K/1 basketball coordinator[email protected]
Lucas GraceCo-ed 2nd/3rd Grade League Coordinator [email protected]
Adam MalloneeBoys 4th/5th Grade League Coordinator [email protected]
Jimmy CalabreseBoys 6th/7th Grade League Coordinator [email protected] 
Bart Paulhamus  Boys 8th/9th Boys Coordinator [email protected]
Open Boys High School League Coordinator
 Travel Basketball:    
Jared Brumfield Travel Basketball Commissioner [email protected]
Ken Trader Boys 4th Grade Travel Head Coach [email protected]
Schimri YoyoBoys 5th Grade Travel Head Coach[email protected] 
Jared BrumfieldBoys 6th Grade Travel Head Coach [email protected]
Todd GarnerBoys 7th Grade Travel Head Coach[email protected]
Adam Bee
Boys 8th Grade Travel Head Coach

[email protected]

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